
Still a few places available for the Fly & Buy offer

Heritage Villas Valriche is offering you the opportunity to save up to USD 15,000 by booking a stay in Bel Ombre to take a look at your future home.

The Fly & Buy* offer remains available until 15 January 2022 and there are a few places remaining for those interested. All you need to do is book a minimum 5-day stay at a Heritage hotel of your choice on the Domaine de Bel Ombre and take the opportunity to discover the wonders of Heritage Villas Valriche. Those of you who decide to make a deposit to reserve an off-plan VEFA villa or a freehold plot before 15 January 2022 will receive a USD 15,000 refund!

*This offer does not apply to the resale of properties.

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